Georges Braque
Work in the collection: Georges Braque, Nature morte aux citrons, 1929, gouache on paper, 33 x 45 cm.
Georges Braque was a French painter, printmaker and sculptor. As a child, he made his first experiences with paints and brushes in his father’s company, a decorative painter. His early phase was influenced by Impressionism, which was then followed by a Fauvist phase. However, his collaboration and friendship with Pablo Picasso, with whom he founded Cubism at the beginning of the 20th century, was decisive for his artistic development. After his service in the First World War, he broke away from this art movement. The production of sculpture and ceramics became particularly intensive in his last creative phase. In addition to his paintings, there is also a graphic oeuvre of etchings, colored etchings, lithographs and woodcuts.
Born 1882 in Argenteuil (France)
1899 Apprenticeship as a decorative painter in Le Havre, while attending evening classes at the École des Beaux-Arts
1902-1904 Studies at the Académie Humbert (Paris), where he meets Marie Laurencin and Francis Picabia
1906 exhibition in the XXII. Salon des Indépendants (Paris), acquaintance with Henri Matisse, Albert Marquet and André Derain
1907 stay in L’Estaque, where he received Paul Cézanne, met Pablo Picasso, whose style of art had a lasting influence on him and with whom he worked until 1914
1908 exhibition in the gallery of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler
1955 / 1959 / 1964 (post mortem): Participants in the documenta in Kassel
gest 1963 in Paris