Jo Delahaut
Work in the collection: Jo Delahaut, Delilah, 1950, oil on canvas, 32.5 x 65 cm.
Jo Delahaut is an important Belgian artist of geometric abstraction. The artist received his artistic training at the Académie royale des beaux-arts in Liège with Auguste Mambour. His first works, in which color plays a major role, are inspired by the expressionist works of Auguste Herbin. In the years that followed, Delahaut continued to develop his art, amounting to American art movements such as “hard edge” or minimalism.
born 1911 in Vottem, Belgium
1928-1934 student of Auguste Mambour at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Liège
1940 begins expressionist work, influenced by Auguste Herbin
1946 owner of the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles in Paris
1947 Member of the group of young Belgian painters in Brussels together with Mig Quinet, Louis Van Lint, etc.
1952 co-founder of the Belgian “Groupe Art Abstrait”
1964 co-author of the “Manifeste spatialiste”
died 1992 in Schaerbeek, Belgium