Gisela Hoffman
Gisela Hoffmann’s works are characterized by a reduced formal language. She mainly uses lines in her work. In her works, she deliberately incorporates existing spaces, which become a kind of image carrier. To do this, she first inspects the premises, e.g. B. exhibition rooms and then designs possible “spatial lines” on the PC. These are tried out again on site and further changes are made if necessary. This is how the lines create new spaces. Acrylic glass and polyester fabrics are also important image carriers for Hoffmann. Their special value for the artist results from the possible color palette (8 colors). She especially prefers the colors red and orange because of their signal effect.
born 1963 in Burg on the island of Fehmarn
1987 – 1992 studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Nuremberg
since 1993 she lives and works in Rosstal
2004 – 2005 scholarship from the Bavarian Ministry of State
2016 Nominated for the 4th International Evard Prize